Hypnosis For Weight Loss - A DIY Guide!

Lets be clear about this. What you do is controlled by your brain. The mind is in charge of the body. This is a simple concept that we all understand. When it comes to achieving goals however we can often be sidetracked into being concerned with external factors that we have little or no control over. Often people wanting to lose weight will blame their genetics, or their bone structure, or their hormones, or some other health factor that we have little control over. These are simply a distraction. In life we all have to work with what we have now, not how we wish things were. In fact, it is better to stop the 'blame game' entirely. Blaming ourselves, others, the world, etc. is most likely completely unproductive as well as draining and demotivating.

What is key is recognising that in order to achieve new goals we need to change our actions, and changing our actions can only be done by changing our mind.

Note that I am not just talking about changing what we think. Yes, this is important, but far more important is changing our subconscious drives. Our behaviour is directly driven by the emotional/subconscious mind. This fact was recognised by all the early psychiatrists and neurologists like Freud, Charcot and Jung.

Freud compared the mind to an iceberg with the smallest visible part compared to the conscious mind, and the deeper, larger, driving part of our mind being hidden beneath the surface.

Given that it is the subconscious mind that drives behaviour and that behavioural change is what is needed for new goals, how do we access that part of the mind?

Hypnosis. This is the key. Now hypnosis can be done formally with the help of a qualified hypnotherapist or you can use it yourself. There are several aspects of hypnosis that should be achieved:

1. Relaxation. This allows the 'critical facility' of the pre frontal cortex to be quietened. Slowing down the critical facility means that changes are more likely to be accepted into the deeper regions of the mind.

2. Visualisation/emotional recall. Purposefully triggering emotions or triggering visualisations that are connected with emotional states allows us to directly manipulate the emotional 'subconscious' mind.

3. Hypnotic suggestion. The best forms of suggestion, including hypnotic suggestion for weight loss, are done by a second party. Suggestions that are delievered by someone else are usually more effective than suggestions you give yourself. However autosuggestion (giving yourself suggestions) that you really can believe in is also effective.

Whether it is hypnosis for weight loss, hypnosis for depression, performance or motivation it doesn't really matter. Follow the simple steps below:

1. Relax in a comfortable position. It can be either sitting or lying. Then close your eyes.

2. Starting with your toes, clench and relax progressively every muscle group in your body until you reach the top of your head. As far as you can, focus on each muscle group. Especially notice the muscles in your abdomen.

3. As you release the muscles in your abdomen, take three slow deep breaths ensuring that your abdomen rises and falls. Do not breathe from your chest. This is the time to let it 'all hang out'.

4. Breathe normally and continue the relaxation process. Remember to clench and relax the shoulders, neck, upper arms, lower arms and hands.

5. Remember to relax the muscles of the face and jaw if necessary by clenching them first.

6. Mentally scan your body and re-relax any areas that you need to.

7. Introduce mental relaxation by imaging any worrying thoughts or nagging thoughts disappearing. You might like to image them floating away or disappearing into a mist or being breathed out with every out breath.

8. Visualise a favourite place. This can be a place from your memory or a place you can create in your imagination. It should be somewhere you feel relaxed and safe. Spend some time visualising each element that exists in this place - the floor, the walls, the view et cetera. Importantly also imagine the feeling of being there.

9. Recall the old feeling, the one you want to move away from. It could be a feeling of craving junk food, or it could be a feeling of dissatisfaction with a small meal, or it could be a feeling of anxiety that belies the secondary feelings. Think about what the feeling is that really drives your behaviours; then recall it. Just feel it for a few moments if you can, and now SWITCH as quickly as you can to a replacement feeling. The replacement feeling will be one of contentment, fullness, relaxation, achievement or success. Invoke a pleasant memory or imagined scenario to create the new emotion. Do this process a minimum of three times.

10. Recall any unhelpful 'old' thoughts. Replace them with a new, more helpful thoughts. For example replace 'It's OK to have one more' with 'I have the right to chose what I put in my body' or 'I am chosing to be in control'. Say the new thought to yourself and experience as much as possible the new feelings that are associated with this new, more balanced approach. You might imagine erasing the old thoughts by rubbing them off a chalk board. Do this a minimum of three times with each unhelpful thought you have identified.

11. Anchor the new feeling and thoughts by performing some movement like pressing together the thumb and forefinger. Alternatively you could pay extra attention to the relaxation in a specific part of your body. You could also recalling a piece of music or say a phrase in your mind that reminds you of this state.

12. Recall the old behaviour. Really imagine it as much as you can, like it was a scene on tv or a movie screen. Now imagine you had a rewind button. Hit rewind to get back to the beginning of the scene and then play events forward again, this time with the new behaviour. Again do this a minimum of three times.

13. Say to yourself 'this old problem is fading, every day I move further and further away from the old behaviours and old feeligns' 'I am creating a new destiny'.

14. When you are ready, gently come back to a normal state of awareness and open your eyes.

This whole process should take somewhere between about 10 and about 30 minutes.

When you have practised this a few times use the anchor that you created (the touch of the thumb and forefinger, or relaxation in part of your body or the phrase) whenever you need to feel and think the way that you planned. Make sure the thoughts and emotions are enough to overcome the situation; if they are not then you will need to practise the self hypnosis more often or get professional help.

I recommend that you practice this procedure around once a day for a week and then about once or twice a week until you are confident that the new thoughts, feelings and behaviour are firmly installed.

Changing your thoughts, feelings and actions through hypnosis is easy once you have practiced it a few times.

Best wishes in achieving your full potential!

To learn more about hypnosis for weight loss or hypnotherapy for anxiety, hypnotherapy for goal achievement or virtually anything else see the website: http://www.hypnosisparramatta.com.au/weight-loss-hypnosis-sydney/

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Can Someone Really Hypnotize You?

There are three kinds of people when it comes to hypnosis:

1. The Believer - they realize that hypnosis is powerful and willingly go into trance. There are some tell tale signs for a "Believer" personality and this is the kind of person a stage hypnotist would pick out of the audience.

2. The Realist - they're unsure about hypnosis but are willing to give it a try. These people usually listen to a hypnotic induction and go under but don't realize what happened to them. It's up to someone else to point out what happened. They also usually only get hypnotized by experts. Not just anyone can hypnotize them.

3. The Cynic - they're the ones who think this just isn't possible. It's a sham and phone baloney that only applies to people who are simpletons and naive about the way the world works.

Have you ever driven home and not remembered exactly how you got there? Did you go the usual route? Or did you take a shortcut? Hypnosis doesn't have to be a deep somnabulistic trance where a deep state of unconscious rest is achieved. It can happen rather naturally during normal conversation, driving and routine and repetitive events.

Hypnosis isn't necessarily about trance (although you will eventually learn how to put yourself into one with the Hypnotic Laws). Hypnosis is simply an altered state of mind. And it's a an altered state you've been in many times without even realizing it.

When it happened you were aware, you were conscious and you were also highly focused or feeling a sense of deep rapport (if it was with a member of the opposite sex it's called 'magic') with someone.

In this altered state your mind is simply open to accepting new beliefs. It's a turning point in your life and it happened because of forces outside of your control. Now it's your choice now to see if you want to enter into this altered state again and make some meaningful changes.

I'll tell you a story about a smoker (he happened to be my father). As kids we begged and pleaded with him to just stop smoking but he'd never listen. My mother would also beg him to stop smoking but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The only concession he made to us was to smoke outside the house so the smoke didn't bother any of us.

He smoked from the age of 21 to 46!

After a quarter century of heavy smoking one day everything changed for him. We were at dinner and the waiter and he struck up a nice conversation (in psychological terms this would be referred to as "establishing rapport").

When my father spoke to the waiter I could tell he was taken in by this man. They were about the same age, same ethnicity and they oddly even had the same body language at times.

This man - who we knew for all of 15 mins - was intently talking to my father about things and noticed the pack of cigarettes. He looked at him and I'll never forget what he said:

"Sir, I'm sorry for being so forward but I noticed the cigarettes. They're the same brand my father smoked. He died three years ago of lung cancer. Again, I am sorry for being so forward...but you have a lovely family here. Please don't make the same mistake that he made. You don't want your children to feel what I've felt these past three years".

Guess what happened then?

Guess who just decided to stop smoking?

Guess who on that day, in that very moment throw away cigarettes and gave up smoking for the rest of his life?

You see, my Dad entered into that altered state. He wasn't in a deep trance and he was aware of his surroundings. He was intently focused on what this man said, he felt a real kinship with him and this man's words for whatever reasons just had a powerful impact on him.

What If You Can Create These Altered States On Demand?

You see, he managed to kick a life long addiction that had plagued him for 25 years in a moment. My father had tried quitting in the past. He was never a callous man. He always took what we said seriously and tried to please us but failed every time.

And then some hypnotic stranger in a restaurant changed his life forever.

Hypnotic Inductions are designed to create these altered states on your terms. You can be hypnotized and you can enter into a deep restful state of mind where new beliefs can be born deep within your mind.

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring phenomenon. With the right knowledge and tools you can control it.

Sanjay Kumar is the creator of the Hypnotic Laws a comprehensive collection of life changing brain wave entrainment and hypnotherapy albums. Click here to download a hypnotherapy audio and Law of Attraction Guide (a $44 value yours for free).

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Control Your Holiday Eating Self Hypnosis Script

The tendency to overindulge in food and drink is never stronger than during the holiday season. It's been estimated that the average adult American gains several pounds during the holiday season. We all know the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." With a little preventative help from self hypnosis, you can fully enjoy the holidays and your favorite foods without overdoing it.

Self hypnosis is a simple, yet powerful means for programming your mind and body to behave differently. It gets past the resistant and critical self, and lets us speak directly to the subconscious mind, the part of us responsible for our habits and our appetites.

When self hypnosis is applied, it turns positive self talk into self empowerment. The same suggestions and affirmations employed while self hypnotized have many times the impact of those same suggestions would otherwise have.

Best of all, self hypnosis is fast and relaxing. You do not lose your awareness at any time and you can rouse and respond quickly if there's an emergency in your environment. While there are many ways to self hypnotize, and practice is required for mastery, here's an four step recipe.

Find a place where you won't be interrupted for about 20 minutes.Close your eyes and relax your body, one part at a time, starting with your head and working your way down to your toes.Silently count your breaths backward from one hundred, repeating the phrase "twice as relaxed" between each breath. Direct your mind to slow down with every number and breath.When you truly feel a profound sense of relaxation and mental stillness, you may then silently apply suggestions to change the way you eat and drink during the holidays.

Here's a mini-script you may use to get you started:

"I easily control what I eat and drink during the holiday season so that I can maintain my health and weight. By having smaller amounts, I enjoy each taste and each bite more fully. This enjoyment fills me more than the food and drink, so I discover I actually want less. Whenever I am offered food and drink at a holiday occasion, I become very aware of the choices in front of me. This awareness gives me great freedom to control what I eat and drink. And as I choose to eat and drink only small amounts, I feel a surge of self empowerment arise from within me. This great self control makes me feel more festive during the holidays than any amount of food or drink ever could, because I will enter the New Year cheerfully, feeling good about my body. By mindfully managing how much I eat and drink during the holidays, I have a lot to celebrate. Freedom, confidence and self control are the best gifts I could ever give myself this season. So I freely choose to confidently control what and how much I eat and drink during the holidays."

When you've delivered the suggestions to yourself, emerge from self hypnosis by counting up from one to five and telling yourself that when you reach the number five, your eyes will open and you'll emerge from hypnosis refreshed and alert.

Yes, it's that easy.

The hypnotic procedure and suggestions may be memorized, recorded or used with the "hypnosis as you read" method. It's recommended you perform the self hypnosis session once a day for three to seven consecutive days as the holiday season approaches. Then, reapply the day of any holiday occasion, such as a party.

By using self hypnosis to maintain control, you can easily overcome the temptation to indulge of the season. You will walk proudly into the coming year healthy, happy, and without extra pounds. Truly, that's something to celebrate!

Forbes Robbins Blair is the author of three popular published self-hypnosis books: Instant Self-Hypnosis, More Instant Self Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis Revolution.

You can receive his new free Master Induction 2.0 pdf by visiting his site right now. While you're there, check out his Instant Self Hypnosis scripts which are all available at http://instant-self-hypnosis.com/

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Do You Have Emotional Control?

Our emotions, whether in or out of control, depend to a very large extent on how much attention you place upon them. "Know thyself", are two of the most important words you'll ever hear.

Supposing you become angry at something. Anything. I don't mean an insane, psychotic screaming rage, but something relatively small has made you angry. Will you remember it tomorrow? Certainly not next week.

If you happen to be very angry with a particular person and you tear into them, calling them names and generally insulting them, not only have you lost control, you've lost whatever friendship and respect they may have held for you. True, they may have done something pretty naughty, but think before savaging them.

For all you know, they may have had a perfectly good reason for what they did, which isn't apparent to you at the time.

Do you have emotional control? If not, then practice it. It's so necessary and so well worth the while to look before you leap. But we all 'let go' without thinking, don't we? The knack is to look past the immediate and into the future.

"If I do this, what effect is it going to have down the line?"

Just supposing you're watching TV one night and something comes up that really lights a fire under you. Right at that moment, your emotions are out of control, so sit back for a couple of minutes and ask yourself why. What's made you so mad, angry, sorrowful, happy, sad? By doing this, you're keeping your emotions under control.

All right, you may still be as mad as a snake, but you'll know why you're as mad as a snake and therefore more in control.

You may be at a party, and a particularly beautiful woman attaches herself to someone you really don't like very much.

"What in the name of goodness does she see in that jerk," is probably the first thing that goes through your mind. A friend sidles up to you.

"Jealous?" he asks.

"Eh? What me? Jealous? Rubbish," you reply. Anyway, you think to yourself, she'll soon find out what a worm he is. Now this is rationalizing. Be honest. You're damn jealous and that's all there is to it.

Another thing to remember is not to let your mood carry you. Supposing you're watching a long drawn out play on TV and frankly, you're bored to tears. Why not say;

"You know, I can write better than that."

Go and think of a story and try your hand. If writing isn't your thing, even a simple walk will make you feel better.

Another plan is if you come home from work after a difficult day, and you feel definitely out of sorts. Relax in your favourite chair and let your imagination take you somewhere nice. Amazing how much better you'll feel.

Hypnosis and Psychology are such vast subjects, but you'll learn a very great deal by clicking onto http://www.thehypnosisattraction.com/ which is Mike Bond's Website. Not only that, but you'll find a FREE audio tutorial on http://www.thehypnosisattraction.com/ which, if used properly, will prove of tremendous value to you. And don't forget to click on "Downloads".

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Free Self Hypnosis - 100% Effective Technique

You use Free Self Hypnosis Techniques Every Day!

We humans, if asked, would probably say we believe that when we awaken each day we are free to start a brand new day. However, that is far from the truth. By the time you open your eyes in a morning your day has already been pre-determined. The day you are about to experience is based on whatever you were thinking about as you dropped off to sleep the previous night.

The period prior to sleep at night is the most important time of your day as the thoughts you think immediately before sleep can either make or break you. Whatever you are thinking about in this period of time is taken into sleep with you and then worked upon all night long by your subconscious mind while you sleep.

Up until this point you may not have noticed that your morning thoughts and those that flood into your mind when you awaken during the night are a continuation of the thoughts you took into sleep. Then the thoughts you entertain in that sleepy morning state are pre-determining your day.

The sleepy state that everyone enters at night prior to sleep is a natural hypnotic state as is the morning period of sleepiness before your eyes are opened. The evening state is called the hypnogogic state and the morning state the hypnopompic state. These are two naturally hypnotic states that all humans enter at least once every day prior to sleep and on awakening. In these periods of time the human mind is highly susceptible to suggestion. Some say that in this hypnotic state the mind is over one thousand times more inclined to accept as true any suggestions it is given than in a normal waking state.

In both of these periods your body is relaxed, your eyes are closed; your brain waves have slowed down from your normal waking beta brainwave state. You are experiencing an alpha level of consciousness akin to a deliberately induced hypnotic trance state.

While awake your subconscious mind is listening and responding to everything you say, hear and experience. Everything is being made sense of, catalogued, put into memory banks and acted upon all day long. When you drop off to sleep your conscious mind becomes unconscious and your constant mind chatter stops but this doesn't mean the subconscious sleeps.

It stays alert and carries on with the regeneration of your body. It carries on breathing for you, renewing skin cells, burning fat and digesting food. It also carries on working on the thoughts you took into sleep with you. Those last thoughts have absolutely no competition and they are worked on all night long. On awakening in the night and in the morning your thoughts are always a continuation of last night's thoughts and whatever you are thinking about in the sleepy hypnotic morning state is colouring and shaping your day.

Some people go to bed at night and as they lay down to sleep they go back through their day and think about all the things that went wrong. They think about the things they failed to get done; the messy house, the pile of work on their desk, the pile of ironing, the dirty car or the fact they didn't get to the gym. They think of all the things they did wrong; the overeating they indulged in, the chocolate they ate, the harsh words or the arguments. They go over their regrets and the things they feel guilty about and then they drop off to sleep.

When they awaken in the night the same thoughts immediately flood into their mind, sometimes keeping them awake for hours and when they awaken in the morning the same thing happens; it all floods back in. The day then proceeds in a very predictable way; it's a copy of the previous day; the house gets messier, the pile of work gets bigger and the worse it gets, the worse it gets. You've found yourself in the film, 'Groundhog Day' and it sometimes seems like there's no way out.

But take heart, there is a way out and the easiest way to change your life is to change what you think about before you go to sleep at night and to take into sleep the things you want to achieve. When you do this your deeper mind is working all night long on your dreams and aspirations and working on and finding a way for you to achieve whatever you've focused upon. You are your own hypnotist and a very good one at that. You hypnotise yourself every day so make sure you're hypnotising yourself positively and you're heading in the right direction.

Those who achieve the most in life are those who write lists of what they want to achieve for the following day, the week, the month or the year. When you write down what you want to achieve you are instructing your mind to take you there. Of course you could just as easily say or think what you are going to do but the memory is not as reliable as the written word. There is something about writing goals down that makes them more concrete and more achievable. You can talk about building your own home for years but it doesn't become a concrete thing until the architect (you) draws up the plans.

Taking the time to write down what you intend to achieve in the next day, the next week or any time in the future is the best thing you can do each evening. That way you are taking into sleep what you want to achieve and when you make the effort to do this on a daily basis your days will change beyond all recognition. At the very least you could make a decision to think positive things each evening as you lay down to sleep. Even a few minutes thinking uplifting thoughts and focussing on the things you want can and will work wonders.

This is the time to take yourself to the end of anything you want to achieve; to imagine it done and to imagine what you are saying to you now you've achieved it. Add in as many feelings as you can, imagine the joy, the jubilation or the relief, whichever is appropriate. Feel the smile on your face, the feelings of satisfaction and feel your chest swelling with pride if pride is fitting. Take those images and feelings into sleep with you and your deeper, subconscious mind will take you there.

If there's something puzzling you, something you would like to answer to or even something you would like more clarity on, the time prior to sleep is a good time to ask a solution based question about it. Let the question drop into your mind prior to sleep and tell yourself that when you awaken the answer will be there. This is a great free self hypnosis technique and one that really works.

I'm guessing that the majority of you automatically shower, wash your hair, clean your teeth and, if female, take make-up off at night before re-applying it every morning. The majority of us wouldn't dream of going to bed dirty or leaving the house without cleansing our bodies no matter how much time it takes. Just as you have developed habits of physical cleanliness you can develop an evening habit that cleanses your mind.

Your new evening routine will fill your mind full of positive clean energy and you'll wake up refreshed, full of good feelings and ready to start your day. You'll be clean inside and out and instead of just sparkling on the outside your light will shine from within too.

To Your Success & happiness

I work with people all over the world by phone. Contact me at: christine@makingpositivechanges.co.uk

Hi, my name is Christine Wesson. I'm a professional therapist and I've been studying the mind for over ten years. With the right help you can change any pattern or habit that no longer serves you. The techniques used are personalised to you and they are simple and effective. If you have a desire to, 'Make the rest of your life the best of your life,' click this link right now.


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Free Your Mind With Self Hypnosis!

The human mind is complex and has various undiscovered multifaceted avenues. If you can explore them and use in the betterment, you can literally transform yourself. You can unleash the hidden potential to gain self-control and achieve what you have always craved for. Hypnosis opens these brand new channels and lets you to enjoy the best of your capabilities. Surprisingly, self hypnosis techniques are effective on various emotional and physical disturbances. These techniques work on the subliminal mind and help to induce improvements. These are proven methods for well being through silent therapies.

Our inner mind is always on the receptive stage and has a strong influence on our overall lives. Good and bad habits are solely dependent on the positive or negative framework of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis touches the innermost layers of the subconscious mind and programs it into accepting necessary changes. These changes are affirmations of positive signals from the inner mind. The best part of these therapies is they are carried out in the most comfortable way and are integrated seamlessly into the daily routine. When you work on your computer, subliminal messages and images work on your subconscious mind. At times, you need not listen carefully or keep staring at these pictures, however, they are registered in your mind and offer positive results.

Mind control has various positive effects. These effects are related to behavioral patterns and physical ailments. When you unleash mind power in a focused manner, you can expect miraculous results. Emotional disorders like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and addictions are curable through self hypnosis. Many people have low self-esteem, lower confidence, and suffer from various problems in their real life. Hypnosis with the latest techniques has an answer to all these problems and you can develop positive attitude, confidence, and streamlined working abilities. These therapies offer you the vital ingredients for successful personal and professional life.

The root of good living begins with you. This is true when you follow proven methods for guaranteed results. Self-instructing the subliminal mind is the best means to improve every aspect of your life. Hypnosis helps people lose weight, control the pain, and lots more. Accurate decision making at work is critical and you can re-discover your abilities and become successful at work. Seamless penetration in the inner mind with positive suggestions has long-term effects in redefining yourself from a completely new perspective. You are the master of your future, decide what you want to be, help is just hypnosis away!

Hypnosis is a very effective tool for treating anxiety problems. Anxiety is a central feature of most psychological disorders, persistent, constant and psychiatric illnesses. To resolve this psychological disorders of anxiety contact this website to know more information.

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Great Relaxation Techniques With Self Hypnosis Techniques

Most people have either heard of hypnosis or have seen others being hypnotized. Self-hypnosis does not mean a person sitting in trance without control of what they are doing or saying. Rather, it means being in full control of one's subconscious mind. Through self hypnosis techniques, one bypasses their conscious mind for the sake of re-programming their expectations as well as their inner belief system. When one works with their subconscious mind, they increase the possibilities of changing their lives positively.

Self hypnosis through various techniques can be of extreme benefit. One can attain sharper focus, beat addictions, improve relationships, improve health, and achieve success and so on. In fact, due to these benefits, major organizations and companies often make use of self-hypnosis to their employees to improve productivity. One of the best and most affordable ways for self-hypnosis is by use of binaural beats that work with brain frequencies to allow an individual to tap into their subconscious mind as well as working with different states of mind that have been altered. When one listens to bin-aural beats, the mind attains a high focus, which allows a person to respond to instructions quickly.

Naturally, the human mind has the ability to tune to positive aspects as it eliminates the negative ones. Effective use of bin-aural beats does not only bring excellent results, but these results are also long term. Furthermore, not only do bin-aural beats allow a person to achieve their goals, but they also help one to increase their memory, obtain sharper mind focus and to attain much higher self-confidence. Self-hypnosis using binaural beats can actually positively change the way a person approaches life.

In fact, bin-aural beats are believed to be the fastest and easiest way that one can use to achieve great success quickly. Note that this technique, which is one of the brainwave entrainment techniques that has been around for many years, has been scientifically proven. Therefore, there is no reason why a person should not use it to achieve success in their lives. Each person has certain goals they want to achieve, may it be a career, relationships, health and so on. By use of bin-aural beats as well as other brainwave entrainment techniques it becomes much easier to achieve these goals.

In addition to relaxation, listening to bin-aural beats enables a person to fall asleep quickly, in addition, to enjoy a deeper and restful sleep. Among other self hypnosis techniques, binaural beats are known to enable a person to reach very deep levels of meditation. This is because binaural beats help one to experience low brainwave frequencies, which are associated with high levels of consciousness and deeper meditation. Bin-aural beats also help in stress reduction as they are able to calm the mind and body. In addition, they allow one to think clearly thus enabling a person to deal with stress in a better way. There are certain frequencies that have been shown to help a person's body to heal quickly and to improve their immune system as well as ease pain. With these benefits in mind, there is no reason why the use of bin-aural beats should be left only to corporations and to athletes over other individuals.

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!

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